Sunday, February 8, 2009

What Motivate You?

What motivate you?

My involvement in network marketing started 26 years ago. I join company, one of the first one to appear. One of the distributors in a group was Jeff. Jeff started like everyone else by making a list of friends and family, am sure glad we don’t have to do that anymore. On his list was Charlie his brother in law. Now Charlie is a small man but his mouth make him look like he is 8 ft tall and 600 lb. Charlie has an opinion on everything and he knows it all. So Charlie was invited to the presentation, it was a small group 6 people showed up. Jeff was disappointed. But it went well some prospect showed some interest it was a good presentation.

The next day when Jeff got home from work there was Charlie with a big grin on his oversized face. Hey Jeff… Going to be a millionaire with this are you? Ahahaha. Poor Jeff was in no mood for this, it was hard enough. But that night Jeff received his first injection of motivation. I am going to show that no good brother in law… I am gone show him… No how is going to get the best of me know how!!!

Jeff called his sponsor and sponsor sponsor. Together they mastermind a program for Jeff. Jeff went to work, hard. At the end of 6 month Jeff build a sizeable producing group and slowly money start coming. One evening in his night blue suit and red tie, ready to board his 1976 faded green B210 Datsun, Jeff met Charlie pulling up the driveway. “Hey Jeff, made your million yet. RAAAAHHAAA.” Shut up muttered Jeff and off he went to his scheduled meeting injected with another dose of “motivation” from Charlie

Things started to work out for Jeff, another 6 month and he was able to replace the old B210 by a brand new metallic blue 1990 Chevy Caprice and nobody broke the lather but him. Jeff was so proud when he drove in his street that he went around the block 3 times showing off. That Sunday the had a get together with relatives for a diner and of course Charlie was there. When he saw the car he blurted out where did you get the car Jeff auction sale? No Charlie got it from the dealer bran new want to go for a ride?

Jeff keeps on keeping on, building his part time business among the sarcasms of Charlie, the neighbors and co-workers. But slowly but surely he is gaining ground. Just got another level achieved one more he can then trade that Chevy. One evening on his way out his wife asked him to stop at her brother Charlie to drop something. He shrugged, but he loves his wife. So on his way out of town to another meeting he stopped at Charlie’s and there he is with a big stupid grin on his face look like a Cheshire cat up in a tree. Hey Jeff still driving that old car? Not an old car just a year old.

6 month latter Jeff took delivery of a brand new metallic silver 300 SE Mercedes nobody broke the lather but him. Drove around the block 5 or 6 times. Flashing his light waiving to the neighbors. Drove down to Charlie’s and sit in the driveway blowing the 3 tone horn. Charlie step out and, walk to the car and said how come you are driving your boss’ car? Not my boss Charlie, MINE wanna go for a ride? And you know what Charlie this is not over yet. Get use to it.

After another 6 month Jeff Thanked his boss for the many years of servitude and told him that he could no longer afford to work here. Now he is working full time from home and success is his.

Month later Jeff picked up an bran new 1994 348 GTS Ferrari blood red with a 5 tone Italian air horn and nobody broke the lather but Jeff. That evening he drove around and around the neighborhood slowly, very slowly. Neighbors were drooling. He pick up his wife and went out for a lavish dinner. Later on they drove around like teenagers, waiving at everybody and at three am he park the Ferrari up Charlie’s drive way and lean on that 5 tone Italian air horn until Charlie in his night over coat appear at the top of the stairs and fell on his but. Hey Charlie wanna go for a ride. Common Charlie don’t you have one of your smart ass comment today. What’s wrong Charlie too early for you?

Charlie I tell you what I’ll work a little harder and if the creek don’t rise I’ll built me a run way right here in your drive way and I’ll park my Lear jet, Charlie… Hey Charlie wanna go for a ride? Common Charlie get your but off the cement you’re going to get piles…

What motivate you? What does it takes to get going? Get yourself a Charlie get one and If you don’t have one I have a spare one I can let you have it.

Yes sometimes we need external motivation to do what we need to do. But thanks to mentoring for free we have all the motivation we need. See for yourself, download the ebook read it a let’s get together and see what YOU need to be motivated.

I appreciate you.

Bernard Tritz

Skype: tbernard3

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